import logging
import operator
import functools
import frozendict
import typing as T
from sqsgenerator.core.core import SQSResult, Atom
from sqsgenerator.core.core import __version__, __features__, ATOL, RTOL
from sqsgenerator.core.core import set_log_level, pair_sqs_iteration, pair_analysis
from sqsgenerator.core.core import IterationMode, IterationSettings, BoostLogLevel
from sqsgenerator.core.structure import Structure, structure_to_dict, make_supercell
from sqsgenerator.core.core import default_shell_distances, atoms_from_numbers, atoms_from_symbols, available_species, \
symbols_from_z, z_from_symbols, build_configuration, ALL_SITES, make_rank as make_rank_, \
rank_structure as rank_structure_, total_permutations as total_permutations_, \
compute_prefactors as compute_prefactors_
from sqsgenerator.core.utils import merge, transpose, chunks_of
__all__ = [
attr = operator.attrgetter
item = operator.itemgetter
method = operator.methodcaller
partial = functools.partial
SQSCoreCallback = T.Callable[[int, SQSResult, int, int], T.Optional[bool]]
SQSCallback = T.Callable[[int, Structure, SQSResult, int, int], T.Optional[bool]]
logging.addLevelName(TRACE, 'TRACE')
log_levels = frozendict.frozendict(
def set_core_log_level(level: int = logging.WARNING) -> T.NoReturn:
level_map = {
TRACE: BoostLogLevel.trace,
logging.DEBUG: BoostLogLevel.debug,
logging.WARNING: BoostLogLevel.warning,
logging.ERROR: BoostLogLevel.error
def get_function_logger(f: T.Callable) -> logging.Logger:
return logging.getLogger(f.__module__ + '.' + f.__name__)
[docs]def total_permutations(struct: Structure, which: T.Optional[T.Iterable[int]] = None) -> int:
Compute the total number of total permutations, by looking at the configuration of {struct}. The number of
of permutations are given by the multinomial coefficient. Let :math:`N_1, N_2, \ldots, N_m` the number of the
atoms of the :math:`m^{\\text{th}}` species. Therefore, one can generate
.. math::
N_{\\text{perms}} = \dfrac{N!}{\prod_m^M N_m} \quad \\text{where} \quad \sum_m^M N_m = N
permutations in total
:param struct: the structure with the configuration to calculate the number of total permutations
:type struct: Structure
:param which: the indices of the lattice positions to choose (default is ``None``)
:type which: Optional[Iterable[int]]
:return: the rank of the structure of the sub-lattice selected by {which}
:rtype: int
which = tuple(range(len(struct))) if which is None else which
return total_permutations_(struct[which])
[docs]def make_rank(struct: Structure, rank: int, configuration: T.Optional[T.Iterable[str]] = None,
which: T.Optional[T.Iterable[int]] = None) -> Structure:
Uses the lattice and positions from {struct} and generates the {rank}-th permutation (in lexicographical order)
of {configuration} and creates a new structure with it. If {which} is given, the selected lattices positions
are used, therefore the length of {configuration} must match the length of {which}
:param struct: the basis structure from which the new structure will be created
:type struct: Structure
:param rank: the index of the permutation sequence
:type rank: int
:param configuration: the species sequence from which the {rank}-th permutation sequence. Use this parameter when
you want to create a rank and simultaneously want to distribute new atomic species (default is ``None``)
:type configuration: Optional[Iterable[str]]
:param which: the indices of the lattice positions to choose (default is ``None``)
:type which: Optional[Iterable[int]]
:raises IndexError: if the length of {which} does not match the length of {configuration}
:raises ValueError: if the rank is less than 1 or greater than the number of :py:func:`total_permutations`
:return: the structure with {rank}-th permutation sequence as configuration
:rtype: Structure
configuration = struct.symbols.tolist() if configuration is None else configuration
msg = f"the rank of a configuration must me 1 <= rank <= total_permutations() = " \
f"{total_permutations(struct.slice_with_species(configuration, which))}"
if rank <= 0:
raise ValueError(msg)
which = tuple(range(len(struct))) if which is None else which
unranked_configuration = make_rank_(configuration, rank)
except IndexError:
# the C++ extension raises an IndexError, we want to propagate it as a Value error
raise ValueError(msg)
return struct.with_species(unranked_configuration, which=which)
[docs]def rank_structure(struct: Structure, which: T.Optional[T.Iterable[int]] = None) -> int:
Computes the index (in lexicographical order) of the configuration sequence.
If {which} is specified only those sites are selected to compute the permutation rank
:param struct: the structure which carries the configuration sequence
:type struct: Structure
:param which: the indices of the lattice positions to choose (default is ``None``)
:type which: Optional[Iterable[int]]
:return: the index of the configuration sequence
:rtype: int
which = tuple(range(len(struct))) if which is None else which
return rank_structure_(struct[which])
def compute_prefactors(structure: Structure, composition: T.Dict[str, T.Any], shell_weights: T.Dict[int, float], shell_distances: T.List[float], atol: float = 1e-3, rtol: float = 1e-5):
return compute_prefactors_(structure, composition, shell_weights, shell_distances, atol, rtol)