import numbers
import itertools
import numpy as np
import typing as T
from operator import attrgetter as attr
from sqsgenerator.core.core import Structure as Structure_
[docs]class Structure(Structure_):
Structure class used to store structural information. This class is used by the core extension and is a wrapper
around the extension internal ``sqsgenerator.core.core.Structure`` class. The class is designed to be array like,
therefore it does not provide any setter functions. Internally this class uses **fractional coordinates** to
represent structural information.
def from_extension_class(cls, o: Structure_):
return cls(o.lattice.copy(), o.frac_coords.copy(), list(map(attr('symbol'), o.species)), o.pbc)
def __init__(self, lattice: np.ndarray, frac_coords: np.ndarray, symbols: T.List[str],
pbc: T.Tuple[bool, bool, bool] = (True, True, True)):
Constructs a new structure from raw data
:param lattice: the (3x3) lattice matrix. The three **rows** are interpreted as the lattice vectors **a**,
**b** and **c**.
:type lattice: np.ndarray
:param frac_coords: the **fractional coordinates** of the lattice positions as (3xN) array. Each **row**
will be treated as a lattice position
:type frac_coords: np.ndarray
:param symbols: a list of strings of length N specifying the atomic species which occupy the lattice positions
:type symbols: List[str]
:param pbc: the coordinate axes for which **periodic boundary conditions** should be applied.
**Do not pass a value here**. This feature is not yet implemented (default is ``(True, True, True)``)
:type pbc: Tuple[bool, bool, bool]
:raises ValueError: if length of {frac_coords} and length of {symbols} do not match
super(Structure, self).__init__(lattice, frac_coords, symbols, pbc)
self._symbols = np.array(list(map(attr('symbol'), self.species)), dtype='<U3') # Uut is the longest symbol
self._numbers = np.fromiter(map(attr('Z'), self.species), dtype=int, count=self.num_atoms)
self._unique_species = set(np.unique(self._symbols))
def symbols(self) -> np.ndarray:
A ``numpy.ndarray`` storing the symbols of the atomic species. E.g "*Fe*", "*Cr*", "*Ni*"
:return: the array of symbols
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
return self._symbols
def numbers(self) -> np.ndarray:
The ordinal numbers of the atoms sitting on the lattice positions
:return: array of ordinal numbers
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
return self._numbers
def num_unique_species(self) -> int:
The number of unique elements in the structure object
:return: the number of elements
:rtype: int
return len(self._unique_species)
def unique_species(self) -> T.Set[str]:
A set of symbols of the occurring species
:return: a set containing the symbol of the occurring species
:rtype: Set[str]
return self._unique_species
def without_vacancies(self):
Removes vacancies from the structure. Removes all lattice sites which are occupied by the "0" species
:return: a structure with no vacancies
:rtype: Structure
return self[~(self.numbers == 0)]
def __len__(self):
return self.num_atoms
def __repr__(self):
def group_symbols():
for species, same in itertools.groupby(self._symbols):
num_same = len(list(same))
yield species if num_same == 1 else f'{species}{num_same}'
formula = ''.join(group_symbols())
return f'Structure({formula}, len={self.num_atoms})'
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Structure):
return False
same_species = all(this_num == other_num for this_num, other_num in zip(self.numbers.flat, other.numbers.flat))
same_lattice = np.allclose(self.lattice, other.lattice)
same_coords = np.allclose(self.frac_coords, other.frac_coords)
return all((same_species, same_lattice, same_coords))
[docs] def sorted(self):
Creates a new structure, where the lattice positions are ordered by the ordinal numbers of the occupying species
:return: the sorted Structure
:rtype: Structure
return self.from_extension_class(super(Structure, self).sorted())
def rearranged(self, order):
return self.from_extension_class(super(Structure, self).rearranged(order))
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, numbers.Integral):
if item < -self.num_atoms or item >= self.num_atoms:
raise IndexError('Index out of range.')
return self.species[item]
if isinstance(item, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
indices = np.array(item)
if indices.dtype == bool:
indices = np.argwhere(indices).flatten()
elif indices.dtype != int:
raise TypeError('Only integer numbers cann be used for slicing')
# boolean mask slice
elif isinstance(item, slice):
indices = np.arange(self.num_atoms)[item]
raise TypeError(f'Structure indices must not be of type {type(item)}')
return Structure(self.lattice, self.frac_coords[indices], self.symbols[indices])
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict:
Serializes the object into JSON/YAML serializable dictionary
:return: the JSON/YAML serializable dictionary
:rtype: Dict[str, Any]
return structure_to_dict(self)
[docs] def slice_with_species(self, species: T.Iterable[str], which: T.Optional[T.Iterable[int]] = None):
Creates a new structure containing the lattice positions specified by {which}. The new structure
is occupied by the atomic elements specified in {species}. In case {which} is ``None`` all lattice positions
are assumed to be occupied with a new {species}. The new structure will only contain lattice positions specified
in {which}.
:param species: the atomic species specified by their symbols
:type species: Iterable[str]
:param which: the indices of the lattice positions to choose (default is ``None``)
:type which: Optional[Iterable[int]]
:return: the (subset) structure with new species
:rtype: Structure
:raises ValueError: if length of which is < 1 or length of {which} and {species} does not match
which = which or tuple(range(self.num_atoms))
return self.with_species(species, which=which)[which]
[docs] def with_species(self, species, which=None):
Creates a new structure containing the lattice positions specified by {which}. The new structure
is occupied by the atomic elements specified in {species}. In case {which} is ``None`` all lattice positions
are assumed to be occupied with a new {species}. The new structure will only all lattice positions of the
current structure, while on the positions specified by {which} are occupied with {species}
:param species: the atomic species specified by their symbols
:type species: Iterable[str]
:param which: the indices of the lattice positions to choose (default is ``None``)
:type which: Optional[Iterable[int]]
:return: the structure with new species
:rtype: Structure
:raises ValueError: if length of which is < 1 or length of {which} and {species} does not match
which = which or tuple(range(len(self)))
species = list(species)
if len(species) < 1:
raise ValueError('Cannot create an empty structure')
if len(which) != len(species):
raise ValueError('Number of species does not match the number of specified atoms')
new_symbols = self.symbols.copy()
new_symbols[np.array(which)] = species
return Structure(self.lattice, self.frac_coords, new_symbols.tolist())
def structure_to_dict(structure: Structure):
structure = structure.without_vacancies()
return dict(
[docs]def make_supercell(structure: Structure, sa: int = 1, sb: int = 1, sc: int = 1) -> Structure:
Creates a supercell of structure, which is repeated {sa}, {sb} and {sc} times
:param structure: the structure to replicate
:type structure: Structure
:param sa: number of repetitions in directions of the first lattice vector (default is ``1``)
:type sa: int
:param sb: number of repetitions in directions of the second lattice vector (default is ``1``)
:type sb: int
:param sc: number of repetitions in directions of the third lattice vector (default is ``1``)
:type sc: int
:return: the supercell structure
:rtype: Structure
sizes = (sa, sb, sc)
num_cells =
num_atoms_supercell = structure.num_atoms * num_cells
scale = np.diag(sizes).astype(float)
iscale = np.linalg.inv(scale)
supercell_lattice = scale @ structure.lattice
scaled_fc = structure.frac_coords @ iscale.T
def make_translation_vector(a, b, c):
return np.tile(np.array([a, b, c]) @ iscale, [structure.num_atoms, 1])
supercell_coords = np.vstack([
scaled_fc + make_translation_vector(*shift)
for shift in itertools.product(*map(range, sizes))
supercell_species = np.tile(structure.symbols, num_cells).tolist()
assert supercell_coords.shape == (num_atoms_supercell, 3)
assert len(supercell_species) == num_atoms_supercell
structure_supercell = Structure(supercell_lattice, supercell_coords, supercell_species, (True, True, True))
return structure_supercell