Module containing all the routines to process input settings, from the dict-like configuration. Those routines are
intended for internal use only, and are implicitly exported by the ``process_settings`` function.
Each of the function with a @parameter decorator are registered in the private module level {__parameter_registry}
dict, which makes the visible to the ``process_settings`` function
import numbers
import numpy as np
import typing as T
import collections
import collections.abc
from functools import partial
from operator import itemgetter as item
from sqsgenerator.fallback.attrdict import AttrDict
from sqsgenerator.io import read_structure_from_file
from sqsgenerator.settings.exceptions import BadSettings
from sqsgenerator.core import IterationMode, Structure, make_supercell
from sqsgenerator.compat import Feature, have_mpi_support, have_feature
from sqsgenerator.adapters import from_ase_atoms, from_pymatgen_structure
from sqsgenerator.settings.functional import parameter as parameter_, if_, isa
from sqsgenerator.settings.defaults import defaults, random_mode, num_shells, num_species
from sqsgenerator.settings.utils import ensure_array_shape, ensure_array_symmetric, convert, int_safe, \
build_structure, to_internal_composition_specs
__parameter_registry = collections.OrderedDict({})
# the parameter decorator registers all the "processor" function with their names in __parameter_registry
# the ordering will be according to their definition in this file
parameter = partial(parameter_, registry=__parameter_registry)
@parameter('callbacks', default=defaults.callbacks)
def read_callbacks(settings: AttrDict):
callbacks = settings.callbacks
# convert the values to lists, as the C++ backend expects, lists as values of the dictionary
if not isinstance(callbacks, dict):
raise BadSettings("Callbacks must be a dictionary")
default_callbacks = defaults.callbacks()
callbacks = {cb_name: list(cbs) for cb_name, cbs in callbacks.items()}
for cb_name, cbs in callbacks.items():
if not all(map(callable, cbs)):
raise BadSettings(f"Your callback \"{cb_name}\" contains an object which is not callable")
allowed_callbacks = set(default_callbacks) | set(cb_name.replace("found_", "") for cb_name in default_callbacks)
for cb_name, cbs in callbacks.items():
# we allow callbacks that to not start with a "found_" prefix, as a shortcut
if cb_name not in allowed_callbacks:
raise BadSettings(f"Sorry, but a callback named \"{cb_name}\" is not implemented. Allowed values are \"{allowed_callbacks}\"")
# if there are callbacks which do not start with a "found_" prefix we have to rename them
no_found_prefix_cb_names = set(filter(lambda name: not name.startswith("found_"), callbacks))
while no_found_prefix_cb_names:
cb_name = no_found_prefix_cb_names.pop()
callbacks[f"found_{cb_name}"] = callbacks.get(cb_name)
del callbacks[cb_name]
for default_cb_name, default_cbs in default_callbacks.items():
if default_cb_name not in callbacks:
callbacks[default_cb_name] = default_cbs
return callbacks
@parameter('bin_width', default=defaults.peak_isolation)
def read_bin_width(settings: AttrDict):
bin_width = convert(settings.bin_width, to=float, message=f'A bin_width must be a floating point number. '
f'You have specified {settings.bin_width}')
if not bin_width or bin_width <= 0.0:
raise BadSettings('The bin_width can be only a positive floating point number greater than 0.0')
return bin_width
@parameter('peak_isolation', default=defaults.peak_isolation)
def read_peak_isolation(settings: AttrDict):
peak_isolation = convert(
message=f'A peak isolation must be a floating point number. You have specified {settings.peak_isolation}'
if not (0 <= peak_isolation <= 1):
raise BadSettings(f'The peak isolation in the pair histogram '
f'can be only a positive floating point number between 0 and 1.')
return settings.peak_isolation
@parameter('atol', default=defaults.atol)
def read_atol(settings: AttrDict):
if not isinstance(settings.atol, float) or settings.atol < 0:
raise BadSettings('The absolute tolerance can be only a positive floating point number')
return settings.atol
@parameter('rtol', default=defaults.rtol)
def read_rtol(settings: AttrDict):
if not isinstance(settings.rtol, float) or settings.rtol < 0:
raise BadSettings('The relative tolerance can be only a positive floating point number')
return settings.rtol
@parameter('mode', default=defaults.mode, required=True)
def read_mode(settings: AttrDict):
if isinstance(settings.mode, IterationMode):
return settings.mode
if settings.mode not in IterationMode.names:
raise BadSettings(f'Unknown iteration mode "{settings.mode}". '
f'Available iteration modes are {list(IterationMode.names.keys())}')
return IterationMode.names[settings.mode]
@parameter('iterations', default=defaults.iterations, required=if_(random_mode)(True)(False))
def read_iterations(settings: AttrDict):
num_iterations = convert(settings.iterations, converter=int_safe,
message=f'Cannot convert "{settings.iterations}" to int')
if num_iterations < 0:
raise BadSettings('"iterations" must be positive')
return num_iterations
@parameter('max_output_configurations', default=defaults.max_output_configurations)
def read_max_output_configurations(settings: AttrDict):
num_confs = convert(settings.max_output_configurations, converter=int_safe,
message=f'Cannot convert "{settings.max_output_configurations}" to int')
if num_confs < 0:
raise BadSettings('"max_output_configurations" must be positive')
return num_confs
def read_structure(settings: AttrDict) -> Structure:
needed_fields = {'lattice', 'coords', 'species'}
s = settings.structure
structure = None
if isinstance(s, Structure):
structure = s
if have_feature(Feature.ase) and structure is None:
from ase import Atoms
if isinstance(s, Atoms):
structure = from_ase_atoms(s)
if have_feature(Feature.pymatgen) and structure is None:
from pymatgen.core import Structure as PymatgenStructure, PeriodicSite
if isinstance(s, PymatgenStructure):
structure = from_pymatgen_structure(s)
elif isinstance(s, collections.abc.Iterable):
site_list = list(s)
if site_list and all(map(isa(PeriodicSite), site_list)):
structure = from_pymatgen_structure(PymatgenStructure.from_sites(site_list))
if isinstance(s, dict) and structure is None:
if 'file' in s:
structure = read_structure_from_file(settings)
elif all(field in s for field in needed_fields):
lattice = np.array(s['lattice'])
coords = np.array(s['coords'])
species = list(s['species'])
structure = Structure(lattice, coords, species, (True, True, True))
raise BadSettings(f'A structure dictionary needs the following fields {needed_fields}')
if structure is None:
raise BadSettings(f'Cannot read structure from the settings, "{type(s)}"')
if isinstance(s, dict) and 'supercell' in s:
sizes = settings.structure.supercell
if len(sizes) != 3:
raise BadSettings('To create a supercell you need to specify three lengths')
structure = make_supercell(structure, *sizes)
del settings.structure['supercell']
return structure
@parameter('which', default=defaults.which, required=True)
def read_which(settings: AttrDict):
structure = settings.structure
if isinstance(settings.which, str):
sublattice = settings.which
allowed_sublattices = {'all', }.union(structure.unique_species)
if sublattice not in allowed_sublattices:
raise BadSettings(f'The structure does not have an "{sublattice}" sublattice. '
f'Possible values would be {allowed_sublattices}')
if sublattice == 'all':
mask = tuple(range(structure.num_atoms))
mask = tuple(i for i, sp in enumerate(structure.species) if sp.symbol == sublattice)
which = mask
elif isinstance(settings.which, (list, tuple)):
sublattice = tuple(set(settings.which)) # eliminate duplicates
if len(sublattice) < 2:
raise BadSettings('You need to at least specify two different lattice positions to define a sublattice')
if not all(map(isa(int), sublattice)):
raise BadSettings('I do only understand integer lists to specify a sublattice')
if not all(map(lambda _: 0 <= _ < structure.num_atoms, sublattice)):
raise BadSettings(f'All indices in the list must be 0 <= index < {structure.num_atoms}')
which = tuple(settings.which)
raise BadSettings('I do not understand your composition specification')
# we remove the which clause from the settings, since we are replacing the structure with the sublattice structure
return which
@parameter('composition', default=defaults.composition, required=True)
def read_composition(settings: AttrDict):
structure = settings.structure[settings.which]
if not isinstance(settings.composition, dict):
raise BadSettings('Cannot interpret "composition" settings. I expect a dictionary')
build_structure(settings.composition, structure)
return settings.composition
@parameter('shell_distances', default=defaults.shell_distances, required=True)
def read_shell_distances(settings: AttrDict):
if not isinstance(settings.shell_distances, (list, tuple, set)):
raise BadSettings('I only understand list, sets, and tuples for the shell-distances parameter')
if not all(map(isa(numbers.Real), settings.shell_distances)):
raise BadSettings('All shell distances must be real values')
distances = list(filter(lambda d: not np.isclose(d, 0.0), settings.shell_distances))
if len(distances) < 1:
raise BadSettings('You need to specify at least one shell-distance')
for distance in distances:
if distance < 0.0:
raise BadSettings(f'A distance can never be less than zero. You specified "{distance}"')
sorted_distances = list(sorted(distances))
sorted_distances.insert(0, 0.0)
return sorted_distances
@parameter('shell_weights', default=defaults.shell_weights, required=True)
def read_shell_weights(settings: AttrDict):
if not isinstance(settings.shell_weights, dict):
raise BadSettings('I only understand dictionaries for the shell-weight parameter')
if len(settings.shell_weights) < 1:
raise BadSettings('You have to include at least one coordination shell to carry out the optimization')
allowed_indices = set(range(1, len(settings.shell_distances)))
parsed_weights = {
convert(shell, to=int, message=f'A shell must be an integer. You specified {shell}'):
convert(weight, to=float, message=f'A weight must be a floating point number. You specified {weight}')
for shell, weight in settings.shell_weights.items()
for shell in parsed_weights.keys():
if shell not in allowed_indices:
raise BadSettings(f'The shell {shell} you specified is not allowed. Allowed values are {allowed_indices}')
return settings.shell_weights
def read_parameter_shaped_array(settings: AttrDict, parameter_name: str, constructor: T.Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]):
nums = num_species(settings)
nshells = num_shells(settings)
if isinstance(settings.get(parameter_name), (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
w = np.array(settings.get(parameter_name)).astype(float)
if w.ndim in {2, 3}:
expected_shape = (nshells, nums, nums) if w.ndim == 3 else (nums, nums)
ensure_array_shape(w, expected_shape, f'The 3D "{parameter_name}" you have specified '
f'has a wrong shape ({w.shape}). Expected {expected_shape}')
ensure_array_symmetric(w, f'The "{parameter_name}" parameters are not symmetric')
return constructor(w)
raise BadSettings(f'As "{parameter_name}" I do expect a {nums}x{nums} matrix, '
f'since your structure contains {nums} different species')
@parameter('pair_weights', default=defaults.pair_weights, required=True)
def read_pair_weights(settings: AttrDict):
sorted_weights = sorted(settings.shell_weights.items(), key=item(0))
return read_parameter_shaped_array(settings, 'pair_weights',
lambda w: w if w.ndim == 3
else np.stack([w * shell_weight for _, shell_weight in sorted_weights]))
@parameter('target_objective', default=defaults.target_objective, required=True)
def read_target_objective(settings: AttrDict):
if isinstance(settings.target_objective, (int, float)):
target_objective = np.ones((num_shells(settings), num_species(settings), num_species(settings))) * settings.target_objective
settings['target_objective'] = target_objective
return read_parameter_shaped_array(settings, 'target_objective',
lambda w: w if w.ndim == 3 else np.stack([w] * num_shells(settings)))
@parameter('prefactor_mode', default=defaults.prefactor_mode, required=True)
def read_prefactor_mode(settings: AttrDict):
if not isinstance(settings.prefactor_mode, str):
raise BadSettings('"prefactor_mode" must be of type str')
if settings.prefactor_mode.lower() not in {'set', 'mul'}:
raise BadSettings('"prefactor_mode" must be either {\'set\', \'mul\'}')
return settings.prefactor_mode.lower()
@parameter('prefactors', default=defaults.prefactors, required=True)
def read_prefactors(settings: AttrDict):
if isinstance(settings.prefactors, (int, float)):
prefactors = np.ones((num_shells(settings), num_species(settings), num_species(settings))) * settings.prefactors
settings['prefactors'] = prefactors
prefactors = read_parameter_shaped_array(settings, 'prefactors',
lambda w: w if w.ndim == 3 else np.stack([w] * num_shells(settings)))
prefactors = prefactors if settings.prefactor_mode == 'set' else (prefactors * defaults.prefactors(settings))
if np.any(np.isclose(prefactors, 0)):
raise BadSettings('A prefactor of zero is not allowed as divison would lead to infinite numbers')
return prefactors
@parameter('threads_per_rank', default=defaults.threads_per_rank, required=True)
def read_threads_per_rank(settings: AttrDict):
converter = partial(convert, to=int, converter=int_safe, message='Cannot parse "threads_per_rank" argument')
if isinstance(settings.threads_per_rank, (float, int)):
return [converter(settings.threads_per_rank)]
if isinstance(settings.threads_per_rank, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
if len(settings.threads_per_rank) != 1:
if not have_mpi_support():
raise BadSettings('The module sqsgenerator.core.iteration was not compiled with MPI support')
return list(map(converter, settings.threads_per_rank))
raise BadSettings('Cannot interpret "threads_per_rank" setting.')
[docs]def process_settings(settings: AttrDict, params: T.Optional[T.Set[str]] = None, ignore: T.Iterable[str]=()) -> AttrDict:
Process an dict-like input parameters, according to the rules specified in the
`Input parameter documentation <https://sqsgenerator.readthedocs.io/en/latest/input_parameters.html>`_. This function
should be used for processing user input. Therefore, exports the parser functions defined in
``sqsgenerator.settings.readers``. To specify a specify subset of parameters the {params} argument is used.
To {ignore} specific parameters pass a list of parameter names
:param settings: the dict-like user configuration
:type settings: AttrDict
:param params: If specified only the subset of {params} is processed (default is ``None``)
:type params: Optional[Set, None]
:param ignore: a list/iterable of params to ignore (default is ``()``)
:type ignore: Iterable[str]
:return: the processed settings dictionary
:rtype: AttrDict
params = params if params is not None else set(parameter_list())
last_needed_parameter = max(params, key=parameter_index)
ignore = set(ignore)
for index, (param, processor) in enumerate(__parameter_registry.items()):
if param not in params:
# we can only skip this parameter if None of the other parameters depends on param
if parameter_index(param) > parameter_index(last_needed_parameter):
if param in ignore:
settings[param] = processor(settings)
return settings
def parameter_list() -> T.List[str]:
return list(__parameter_registry.keys())
def parameter_index(p: str) -> int:
return parameter_list().index(p)