How to install sqsgen?#

Optional dependencies - ase and pymatgen#

ase and pymatgen are not explicitly listed as dependencies of sqsgenerator. However, we strongly encourage you to install at least one of them. sqsgenerator uses those packages as backends to export its results into different file formats. Without ase or pymatgen results can be exported in YAML format only.

… with conda#

sqsgenerator is available on the conda-forge channel. In case you are already using an Anaconda distribution we strongly encourage you to head for this installation option

conda install -c conda-forge sqsgenerator

To allow for fast generation of random structures, sqsgenerator’s core modules support hybrid parallelization (OpenMP + MPI) The version hosted on conda-forge supports thread-level-parallelism only. (OpenMP)


To obtain an MPI enabled version of the package, you have to build it yourself.

… by building it yourself#


sqsgenerator is Python 3 CLI app. However, its core is written in C++, thus some prerequisites are needed. Please read through this section carefully.

  • Python interpreter and headers (>= 3.6)

  • numpy installed

  • C++ compiler, with support for OpenMP and C++17 standard

  • Boost libraries are needed to compile the core modules. In particular the following subset of the boost libraries are needed

    • libboost_python (Python bindings)

    • libboost_numpy (Python bindings)

    • libboost_log (logging)

    • libboost_log_setup (logging)

    • libboost_system (math, data structures)

    • libboost_regex

    • libboost_thread

    • Boost is used to create the Python bindings, logging, multiprecision math and data structures.

  • CMake is used as a build system. A version greater than 3.12 is needed

  • MPI libraries, in case you want to build the MPI enabled version of sqsgenerator

Please make sure to have all those tools installed, before installing sqsgenerator.

Compatibility between Python interpreter and boost libraries

Please make sure that you boost libs libboost_python and libboost_numpy are compatible with the Python interpreter you build sqsgenerator against.

Environment variable forwarding#

sqsgenerator’s forwards all environment variables with a SQS_ prefix to CMake. This allows you to create the binaries with your own configuration. All variables of form SQS_{VARNAME}={VALUE} will be forwarded to CMake as -D{VARNAME}={VALUE} via the script.

E. g. FindBoost.cmake takes a BOOST_ROOT hint to allow the use of a custom boost version. Therefore, to build sqsgenerator with your own Boost version use

SQS_BOOST_ROOT=/path/to/own/boost pip install # add SQS_USE_MPI=ON for MPI enabled build

The above code will under-the-hood call CMake with a -DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/own/boost option.

In the same manner values can be passed to FindMPI.cmake.

with conda package manager#

on Linux or MacOS#

With conda it is easy to install the needed toolchain, and thus get to a quick customized build

  1. Create an anaconda environment using

    on Linux use the following command to install the toolchain

    conda create --name sqsgen -c conda-forge boost boost-cpp cmake gxx_linux-64 libgomp numpy pip python=3

    on MacOS use this slightly modified version

    conda create --name sqsgen -c conda-forge boost boost-cpp cmake llvm-openmp numpy pip python=3
  2. Download the sources

    git clone
  3. Build & install the package

    To ensure that we use Anaconda’s boost libs (in case also system libraries are installed) we have to give CMake a hint, where to find them. The same is true if you want to use Anacondas C++ compiler (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-g++")

    conda activate sqsgen
    cd sqsgenerator
    SQS_Boost_INCLUDE_DIR="${CONDA_PREFIX}/include" \
    CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-g++" \
    CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-DNDEBUG -O2 -mtune=native -march=native" \ # optional
    pip install .

    Once you’re building sqsgenerator yourself it is advisable to optimize it for you machine, which is the reason for explicitly specifying compiler optimization flags via CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS

    In case you want to build a MPI build version you have to add SQS_USE_MPI=ON to the installation instructions. In case you also want to link it against a specify MPI implementation (e. g. on a HPC cluster) you can instruct CMake to so, by adding SQS_MPI_HOME which points the installation directory

    cd sqsgenerator
    # SQS_MPI_HOME=/path/to/mpi/implementation/root
    SQS_Boost_INCLUDE_DIR="${CONDA_PREFIX}/include" \
    pip install .

    On UNIX* systems boost might be installed already by the system package manager. Hence, SQS_Boost_INCLUDE_DIR and SQS_Boost_LIBRARY_DIR_RELEASE point CMake to the installation from the conda-environment. For the same reason as g++ is often available, we specify CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER explicitly to use the toolchain in the anaconda environment.

on Windows#

Also on Windows, conda can be used to install the toolchain. However, the packages shipped in the conda-forge are built with MSVC compiler toolchain.

MSVC compiler

If you use conda to install the required libraries, you need to have MSVC compiler toolschain installed. conda-build used MSVC to build the libraries, hence MinGW compiler wont’t do the job

  1. Create the conda environment with and install the toolchain packages

    conda create --name sqs-build -c conda-forge boost boost-cpp cmake ninja numpy python=3 
  2. Download the sources

    git clone
  3. Build & install the package

    Use the following command to install the package

    conda activate sqs-build
    cd sqsgenerator
    • /MD: is needed to link against runtime library and boost libraries

    • /DBOOST_PYTHON_STATIC_LIB /DBOOST_NUMPY_STATIC_LIB: libboost_python and libboost_numpy require static linking on Windows

    • /DHAVE_SNPRINTF: Keeps compatibility to older MSVC versions. Note: Remove this flag if you are using Visual C++ 14.0 or older

shell completion#

sqsgenerator used pallets/click to implement its CLI. click supports automatically generated shell completion. To enable this completion, execute one of the commands below, or add it to your shell profile file (~/.bashrc | ~/.zshrc | ~/.config/fish/completions/

  • bash: eval "$(_SQSGEN_COMPLETE=bash_source sqsgen)"

  • zsh: eval "$(_SQSGEN_COMPLETE=zsh_source sqsgen)"

  • fish: eval (env _SQSGEN_COMPLETE=fish_source sqsgen)

The eval command is executed every time the shell is started. This may negatively influence shell responsiveness. This can be fixed, using the following workflow instead:

  1. Save the script somewhere

    • bash: _SQSGEN_COMPLETE=bash_source sqsgen > ~/path/to/.sqsgen-complete.bash

    • zsh: _SQSGEN_COMPLETE=zsh_source sqsgen > ~/path/to/.sqsgen-complete.zsh

    • fish: _SQSGEN_COMPLETE=fish_source sqsgen > ~/.config/fish/completions/

  2. Source the file in your profile

    • bash (~/.bashrc): source ~/path/to/.sqsgen-complete.bash

    • zsh (~/.zshrc): source ~/path/to/.sqsgen-complete.zsh