Source code for sqsgenerator.public

This module forwards public imports from sqsgenerator.core and defines functions which are designed as user-functions
import functools
import signal
import warnings
import itertools
import numpy as np
import typing as T
from sqsgenerator.fallback.attrdict import AttrDict
from sqsgenerator.settings.readers import read_structure
from operator import attrgetter as attr, itemgetter as item
from import read_settings_file, export_structures
from sqsgenerator.settings import construct_settings, process_settings, defaults, build_structure as build_structure_
from sqsgenerator.adapters import to_pymatgen_structure, to_ase_atoms, to_pyiron_atoms, from_pymatgen_structure, \
    from_ase_atoms, from_pyiron_atoms
from sqsgenerator.core import log_levels, set_core_log_level, pair_sqs_iteration as pair_sqs_iteration_core, \
    SQSResult, symbols_from_z, Structure, make_supercell, IterationMode, pair_analysis, available_species, make_rank, \
    rank_structure, total_permutations, merge, SQSCallback, SQSCoreCallback, IterationSettings

TimingDictionary = T.Dict[int, T.List[float]]
Settings = AttrDict
SQSResultCollection = T.Iterable[SQSResult]
SQSCallbacks = T.Iterable[SQSCallback]
OptimizationResult = T.Tuple[T.Dict[int, T.Dict[str, T.Any]], T.Dict[int, T.Union[float, T.List[float]]]]

__all__ = [

[docs]def make_result_document(settings: Settings, sqs_results: T.Iterable[SQSResult], timings: T.Optional[TimingDictionary] = None, fields: T.Tuple[str, ...] = ('configuration',)) -> Settings: """ Converts the ``sqsgenerator.core.SQSResults`` obtained from ``pair_sqs_results`` into a JSON/YAML serializable dictionary :param settings: the settings dictionary used to compute {sqs_results} :type settings: AttrDict :param sqs_results: the ``sqsgenerator.core.SQSResults`` calculated by ``pair_sqs_results`` :type sqs_results: iterable of ``sqsgenerator.core.SQSResults`` :param timings: a dictionary of thread timing information (default is ``None``) :type timings: Dict[int, float] :param fields: the fields to include in the document. Can be either *configuration*, *objective* and/or *parameters* (default is ``('configuration',)``) :type fields: Tuple[str, ...] :return: the JSON/YAML serializable document :rtype: AttrDict """ allowed_fields = dict( configuration=lambda result: symbols_from_z(result.configuration), objective=attr('objective'), parameters=lambda result: result.parameters(settings.target_objective.shape) ) def make_sqs_result_document(result): if len(fields) == 1: key = next(iter(fields)) return allowed_fields[key](result) else: return {f: allowed_fields[f](result) for f in fields} result_document = dict( structure=settings.structure, configurations={r.rank: make_sqs_result_document(r) for r in sqs_results}, which=settings.which ) if timings is not None: result_document['timings'] = timings return Settings(result_document)
[docs]def extract_structures(results: Settings, base_structure: T.Optional[Structure] = None) -> T.Dict[int, Structure]: """ Parses a dictionary of results and replaces the generated configuration with the actual structure :param results: the dict-like iteration results :type results: AttrDict :param base_structure: the structure to which the individual configuration are applied to. If ``None`` it tries to extract it from the results document by calling the "structure" attribute (default is ``None``) :return: a dictionary with ranks structure objects as values :rtype: Dict[int, :py:class:`Structure`] """ structure = results.structure if base_structure is None else base_structure which = results.which if base_structure is None else tuple(range(len(structure))) raw_data = results['configurations'] if 'configurations' in results else results def get_configuration(conf): return conf if not isinstance(conf, dict) else conf['configuration'] structures = { rank: structure.with_species(get_configuration(conf), which=which) for rank, conf in raw_data.items() } return structures
def inject_structure(settings: Settings, f: SQSCallback) -> SQSCoreCallback: base_structure: Structure = settings.structure[settings.which] def callback(iteration: int, result: SQSResult, rank_id: int, thread_id: int) -> T.Optional[bool]: return f(iteration, base_structure.with_species(symbols_from_z(result.configuration)), result, rank_id, thread_id) return callback
[docs]def pair_sqs_iteration(settings: Settings, minimal: bool = True, similar: bool = False, log_level: str = 'warning', pass_structure: bool = False) -> \ T.Tuple[SQSResultCollection, TimingDictionary]: """ Performs an SQS iteration using the {settings} configuration :param settings: the dict-like settings used for the iteration. Please refer to the `Input parameter <>`_ for further information :type settings: AttrDict :param minimal: if the result vector contains ``sqsgenerator.core.SQSResult`` objects with different objective values, select only those with minimal value of the objective function (default is ``True``) :type minimal: bool :param similar: in case the result vector contains more than one structure with minimal objective, include also degenerate solutions (default is ``False``) :type similar: bool :param log_level: the log level of the core extension. Valid values are "*trace*", "*debug*", "*info*", "*warning*" and "*error*". Please use "*trace*" when you encounter a bug in the core extension and report an issue (default is ``"warning"``) :type log_level: str :return: the minimal configuration and the corresponding Short-range-order parameters as well as timing information :param pass_structure: construct a :py:class:`Structure` object and pass it to the callback. If *True* the callback exhibits a signature of ``cb(iteration: int, structure: :py:class:`Structure`, parameters :py:class:`SQSResult`, rank_id: int, thread_id: int)``. If set to *False* the callbacks signature is ``cb(iteration: int, parameters :py:class:`SQSResult`, rank_id: int, thread_id: int)`` :type pass_structure: bool :rtype: Tuple[Iterable[:py:class:`SQSResult`], Dict[int, float]] """ set_core_log_level(log_levels.get(log_level)) inject_structure_for_settings = functools.partial(inject_structure, settings) if pass_structure: settings.callbacks = {cb_name: list(map(inject_structure_for_settings, cbs)) for cb_name, cbs in settings.callbacks.items()} iteration_settings = construct_settings(settings, False, structure=settings.structure[settings.which]) interrupted = False def handle_sigint(signum, *_): assert signum == signal.SIGINT nonlocal interrupted interrupted = True original_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_sigint) sqs_results, timings = pair_sqs_iteration_core(iteration_settings) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_handler) # restore the old signal handler if interrupted: warnings.warn('SIGINT received: SQS results may be incomplete') best_result = min(sqs_results, key=attr('objective')) if minimal: sqs_results = list(filter(lambda r: np.isclose(r.objective, best_result.objective), sqs_results)) if not similar: shape = settings.target_objective.shape sqs_results = list( filter( lambda r: not np.allclose(r.parameters(shape), best_result.parameters(shape)), sqs_results ) ) sqs_results.append(best_result) return sqs_results, timings
[docs]def expand_sqs_results(settings: Settings, sqs_results: T.Iterable[SQSResult], timings: T.Optional[TimingDictionary] = None, fields: T.Tuple[str, ...] = ('configuration',), inplace: bool = False) -> Settings: """ Serializes a list of :py:class:`SQSResult` into a JSON/YAML serializable dictionary :param settings: the settings used to compute the {sqs_results} :type settings: AttrDict :param sqs_results: a iterable (list) of :py:class:`SQSResult` :type sqs_results: Iterable[:py:class:`SQSResult`] :param timings: a dict like information about the performance of the core routines. Keys refer to thread numbers. The values represent the average time the thread needed to analyse one configuration in **µs** (default is ``None``) :type timings: Dict[int, float] :param fields: a tuple of fields to include. Allowed fields are "*configuration*", "*objective*", and "*parameters*" (default is ``('configuration',)``) :type fields: Tuple[str, ...] :param inplace: update the input ``settings`` document instead of creating a new one (default is ``False``) """ dump_include = list(fields) if 'configuration' not in dump_include: dump_include += ['configuration'] result_document = make_result_document(settings, sqs_results, fields=tuple(dump_include), timings=timings) if inplace: settings = settings.copy() settings.update(result_document) keys_to_remove = {'file_name', 'input_format', 'composition', 'iterations', 'max_output_configurations', 'mode', 'threads_per_rank'} final_document = {k: v for k, v in settings.items() if k not in keys_to_remove} else: final_document = result_document return Settings(final_document)
[docs]def sqs_optimize(settings: T.Union[Settings, T.Dict], process: bool = True, minimal: bool = True, similar: bool = False, log_level: str = 'warning', fields: T.Tuple[str, ...] = ('configuration', 'parameters', 'objective'), make_structures: bool = False, structure_format: str = 'default', pass_structure: bool = False) \ -> OptimizationResult: """ This function allows to simply generate SQS structures Performs a SQS optimization loop. This function is meant for using sqsgenerator through Python. Prefer this function over :py:func:`pair_sqs_iteration`. It combines the functionalities of several low-level utility function. 1. Generate default values for {settings} (:py:func:`process_settings`) 2. Execute the actual SQS optimization loop (:py:func:`pair_sqs_iteration`) 3. Process, convert the results (:py:func:`make_result_document`) 4. Build the structures from the optimization results (:py:func:`extract_structures`) An example output might look like the following: .. code-block:: python { 654984: { 'configuration': ['Re', 'W', 'Re', 'W', 'Re', 'W', 'Re', 'W', 'Re', 'W', 'Re', 'W', 'Re', 'W'] 'objective': 0.0, # only present if make_structures=True # Atoms object if structure_format='ase' 'structure': Atoms(symbols='ReWReWReWReWReWReWReW', pbc=True, cell=[6.33, 6.33, 6.33]) } } :param settings: the settings used for the SQS optimization :type settings: AttrDict or Dict :param process: process the input {settings} dictionary (default is ``True``) :type process: bool :param minimal: Include only configurations with minimum objective function in the results (default is ``True``) :type minimal: bool :param similar: If the minimum objective is degenerate include also results with same parameters but different configuration (default is ``False``) :type similar: bool :param log_level: set's the log level for the core C++ extension. Possible fields are "*trace*", "*debug*", "*info*", "*warning*" and "*error*" (default is ``'warning'``) :type log_level: str :param fields: output fields included in the result document. Possible fields are "*configuration*", "*parameters*", "*objective*" and "*parameters*" (default is ``('configuration',)``) :type fields: Tuple[str, ...] :param make_structures: build structure objects from the optimization results (default is ``False`` :type make_structures: bool :param structure_format: if {make_structures} was set to ``True`` it specifies the format of the build structures (default is ``'default'``) - "*default*": :py:class:`Structure` - "*pymatgen*" :py:class:`pymatgen.core.Structure` - "*ase*": :py:class:`ase.atoms.Atoms` - "*pyiron*": :py:class:`pyiron_atomistics.atomistics.structure.Atoms` :type structure_format: str :return: a dictionary with the specified fields as well as timing information. The keys of the result dictionary are the permutation ranks of the generated configuration. :param pass_structure: construct a :py:class:`Structure` object and pass it to the callback. If *True* the callback exhibits a signature of ``cb(iteration: int, structure: :py:class:`Structure`, parameters :py:class:`SQSResult`, rank_id: int, thread_id: int)``. If set to *False* the callbacks signature is ``cb(iteration: int, parameters :py:class:`SQSResult`, rank_id: int, thread_id: int)`` :type pass_structure: bool :rtype: Tuple[Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]], Dict[int, Union[float, List[float]]]] """ settings = settings if isinstance(settings, Settings) else AttrDict(settings) settings = process_settings(settings) if process else settings results, timings = pair_sqs_iteration(settings, minimal=minimal, similar=similar, log_level=log_level, pass_structure=pass_structure) result_document = expand_sqs_results(settings, results, timings=timings, fields=fields) if make_structures: structure_document = extract_structures(result_document) converter = dict(default=lambda _: _, ase=to_ase_atoms, pymatgen=to_pymatgen_structure, pyiron=to_pyiron_atoms).get(structure_format) structure_document = {k: converter(v) for k, v in structure_document.items()} result_document = result_document.get('configurations') result_document = {rank: merge(result, structure=structure_document[rank]) for rank, result in result_document.items()} else: result_document = result_document.get('configurations') return result_document, timings
[docs]def sqs_analyse(structures: T.Iterable[Structure], settings: T.Optional[T.Union[Settings, T.Dict]] = None, process: bool = True, fields: T.Tuple[str, ...] = ('configuration', 'parameters', 'objective'), structure_format: str = 'default', append_structures: bool = False) -> T.Dict[int, T.Dict[str, T.Any]]: """ Uses the given settings {settings} and an iterable of :py:func:`Structure` and compute the short-range-order parameters, objective function. By default the {fields} = ('configuration', 'parameters', 'objective') are included. :param structures: an iterable of structures to analyse :type structures: Iterable[Union[Structure, :py:class`ase.atoms.Atoms`, :py:class:`pymatgen.core.Structure`]] :param settings: the settings used for the SQS optimization :type settings: AttrDict or Dict :param process: process the input {settings} dictionary (default is ``True``) :type process: bool :param fields: output fields included in the result document. Possible fields are "*configuration*", "*parameters*", "*objective*" and "*parameters*" (default is ``('configuration', 'parameters', 'objective')``) :type fields: Tuple[str, ...] :param structure_format: the input format of the items in {structures} (default is ``'default'``) - "*default*": :py:class:`Structure` - "*pymatgen*" :py:class:`pymatgen.core.Structure` - "*ase*": :py:class:`ase.atoms.Atoms` - "*pyiron*": :py:class:`pyiron_atomistics.atomistics.structure.Atoms` :type structure_format: str :param append_structures: append the initial {structures} to the analysed results (default is ``False``) :type append_structures: bool :return: a dictionary with the specified fields as well as timing information. The keys of the result dictionary are the permutation ranks of the {structures}. :rtype: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] """ converter = dict(default=lambda _: _, ase=from_ase_atoms, pymatgen=from_pymatgen_structure, pyiron=from_pyiron_atoms).get(structure_format) # convert the structures to Structure object and extract the sublattice if needed structures = map(lambda st: converter(st), structures) first_structure = next(structures, None) if first_structure is None: raise ValueError('The structure input iterable contains no structure') if settings is None: # construct default settings settings = AttrDict(structure=first_structure) settings.update(which=defaults.which(settings)) settings = process_settings(settings) # we ignore {process} flag as we have to compute default settings else: # if the settings object contains a structure object we rise a warning that we will overwrite it if 'structure' in settings: warnings.warn('Your settings for "sqs_analyse" contain a "structure" key. I will ignore it!' ' Pass structures using the {structures} parameter!') del settings['structure'] if 'composition' in settings: warnings.warn('You cannot specify a composition when analysing a SQS structure') # make sure which is in the settings object settings['which'] = settings['which'] if 'which' in settings else defaults.which( AttrDict(structure=first_structure)) first_structure = first_structure[settings['which']] # in any case we need default composition dictionary settings['composition'] = defaults.composition(AttrDict(structure=first_structure, which=settings['which'])) settings = AttrDict(settings) # we are sure the which and structure is there, hence we can set our value for first_structure slicer = item(settings.which) structures = map(slicer, structures) settings['structure'] = first_structure settings = process_settings(settings) if process else settings analyse_settings = AttrDict(**settings) # we have consumed the first element of the {structure} iterator we again assemble it # we create a copy of the iterator structures, structures_copy = itertools.tee(itertools.chain((first_structure,), structures)) analysed = { rank_structure(st): pair_analysis(construct_settings(analyse_settings, False, structure=st)) for st in structures } document = expand_sqs_results(analyse_settings, list(analysed.values()), fields=fields).get('configurations') if append_structures: for structure in structures_copy: rank = rank_structure(structure) assert rank in document document[rank]['structure'] = structure return document
def build_structure(settings: Settings) -> Structure: structure = read_structure(settings) return build_structure_(settings.get('compositions'), structure)