Custom tools, which should help for more advanced use-cases
import asyncio
import typing as T
from math import isclose
from functools import wraps
from operator import itemgetter as item
from sqsgenerator.core import chunks_of, merge, transpose
from sqsgenerator.public import Settings, sqs_optimize, Structure, OptimizationResult
async def sqs_optimize_async(process: bool = True, minimal: bool = True, similar: bool = False,
log_level: str = 'warning',
fields: T.Tuple[str, ...] = ('configuration', 'parameters', 'objective'),
make_structures: bool = False, structure_format: str = 'default', **kwargs):
async wrapper function around :py:func:`sqs_optimize`. The keyword arguments will be gathered and
passed as settings to :py:func:`sqs_optimize`
settings = Settings(kwargs)
return sqs_optimize(settings, process=process, minimal=minimal, similar=similar, log_level=log_level, fields=fields,
make_structures=make_structures, structure_format=structure_format)
async def sqsgen_optimize_multiple_async(it: T.Iterable[T.Dict[str, T.Any]],
reduce_results: T.Callable[[T.Any, T.Any], T.Any],
result_factory: T.Callable[[], T.Any],
chunk_size: int = 1,
loop: T.Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None) -> T.Any:
Performs sqs_optimization loops asynchronously
:param it: input generator producing input dictionaries which will be passed on to :py:func:`sqs_optimize_async`
:type it: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]
:param reduce_results: callable to reduce the results obtained from a sqs_optimize run
:type reduce_results: Callable[[Any, Any], Any]
:param result_factory: creates an *empty* result object
:type result_factory: Callable[[], Any]
:param chunk_size: optionally split the parameter (default is 1)
:type chunk_size: int
:param loop: optional (default is None)
:return: the reduced results
if not loop:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
chunks = chunks_of(it, chunk_size) if chunk_size > 1 else (it,)
master_result = result_factory()
for chunk in chunks:
chunk_result = result_factory()
done, pending = {}, {loop.create_task(sqs_optimize_async(**merge(kwargs, make_structures=True, **kwargs))) for
kwargs in chunk}
while pending:
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(pending, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
for finished in done:
chunk_result = reduce_results(chunk_result, finished.result())
master_result = reduce_results(master_result, chunk_result)
return master_result
def minimum_objective_and_structures(results: T.Tuple[float, T.List[Structure]], new_results: OptimizationResult) -> \
T.Tuple[float, T.List[Structure]]:
best_objective, structures = results
if isinstance(next(iter(new_results)), dict):
new_results, *_ = new_results # new_results contains is a tuple of form (actual_results, timing_information)
new_objective, new_structures = transpose(map(item('objective', 'structure'), new_results.values()))
new_objective = min(new_objective)
new_objective, new_structures = new_results
if isclose(best_objective, new_objective):
return min(best_objective, new_objective), structures + new_structures
elif best_objective < new_objective:
return results
return new_objective, new_structures
def sqsgen_optimize_multiple(it: T.Iterable[T.Dict[str, T.Any]],
reduce_results: T.Callable[[T.Any, T.Any], T.Any],
result_factory: T.Callable[[], T.Any],
chunk_size: int = 1) -> T.Any:
return asyncio.run(sqsgen_optimize_multiple_async(it, reduce_results, result_factory, chunk_size=chunk_size))
[docs]def sqsgen_minimize_multiple(it: T.Iterable[T.Dict[str, T.Any]], chunk_size: int = 1):
Runs multiple :py:func:`sqs_optimize` runs asynchronously, and merges the results. It will carry out an optimization
for each input settings yielded from {it}. It selects only those results with the minimal objective function. This
is useful when varying the cell shape
:param it: input generator that produces settings for :py:func:`sqs_optimize_async`
:type it: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]
:param chunk_size: whether to split {it} into chunks of size {n}. Use this in combination when setting
*threads_per_rank* manually. For values > 1 {it} will be split (default is 1)
:type chunk_size: int
:return: the best objective and the structures which minimize the objective function
:rtype: Tuple[float, List[:py:class:`sqsgenerator.public.structure`]]
return sqsgen_optimize_multiple(it, minimum_objective_and_structures, lambda: (float('inf'), []), chunk_size=chunk_size)